Web Summit Lisbon 2016

It took me some time from last post. So many things happened: events, workshops, travel. But I’m back! Today I would like to share my thoughts about Web Summit. This is big conference (exhibition for startups). I was on this conference once in Dublin and now in Lisbon. I decided to come because as a Woman in Tech I got free ticket. Maybe because of that I should not talk about what I don’t like. On the other hand I think when no one talks about disadvantage, conference can not be better next time. Too big for me In Ruby...

Rails Girls Cieszyn (15 – 16 October 2016)

Since 2013, when I found the Rails Girls event in Poznań, I have always supported this initiative. In this year I was already on Rails Girls Warsaw, Rails Girls Łódź and Rails Girls Poznań as a mentor. Nowadays it was time for Cieszyn! Rails Girls Cieszyn was for me a very special event. First of all, I organized it. Second, it was my first international Rails Girls event ever. Third, we prepared this event in the Castle of Cieszyn. Cieszyn is a beautiful, calm and peaceful place in Poland close to border of Czech Republic. This city is even more...

Rails Girls Poznań (02 – 03 September 2016)

Summer is almost gone and I’m back on Rails Girls journey. This time I went to Rails Girls Poznań. And to be honest, the weather during this workshop was so nice, like it was still summer even in September. Poznań is a very special place for me. If you don’t know yet, here was my first Rails Girls event and I was a participant back then. I wrote an article Rails Girls Rules about my first experience with Rails Girls initiative. It was in 2013. How fast the time flies, don’t you think? This year I was already on Rails...

Leaflet - Introduction to maps

I’m back on track. This time I would like to talk with you about maps. How easy we can work with maps nowadays. To be able to use maps on my website I will be using: Leaflet - JavaScript library for interactive maps Maps tiles Ruby on Rails (not required but you need to have at least some html file) So first things first. What are they maps tiles? In simple words they are small square images, which show a map. They are served in packages. So on our website we see many of them. How we can get tiles?...

Rails Girls Łódź (16 – 17 June 2016)

I’m really a Rails Girls freak! After a weekend with Rails Girls Warsaw, I went to the next workshops. This time, I was in Łódź on the third edition of Rails Girls Łódź. I loved the atmosphere of this workshop. It is always a pleasure for me to share my knowledge and to see that other women want to try new things.

Rails Girls Warsaw (11 - 12 June 2016)

It is time to start the new Rails Girls season! My first Rails Girls event, this year, was in Warsaw. Warsaw is a very special place for me. Here I was a mentor for a first time. Here I fell in love with Rails Girls even more. It was in 2014. At that time, I was very nervous to be a mentor. After workshops I wrote down all my thoughts about that. You can read them in article Rails Girls welcome back!. This year organizers, as always, surprised us with a beautiful place for a workshop and with new ideas...

Working remote

Working remote

For me, there are two types of remote work. Synchronic and asynchronic remote work. Synchronic remote work is work from different places but in the same time. For example I’m working from 9am to 5pm in Europe time zone. Second one - asynchronic remote work is when you are working from different places and in different times. So, it is possible to don’t have chance to talk with anyone through all day work.

Git Rebase

When you are starting your adventure with git, it’s hard to know everything from the beginning. This is normal that you do small steps and discover new features on the way. Today, I have a very nice git feature for you. It will allow you to have a better structure and order of your commits. This is very useful especially when you work in a team. I will show you how to use git rebase. This is the third article in the git series, so if you want to know more about basics of git usage, go to my previous...