
Date: October 11-13, 2013 Place: Budapest, HU In this week I was part of something special. There was RuPy conference in Budapest. What is RuPy? As it’s said on RuPy web page: RuPy is a unique conference that brings together communities from different state-of-the-art programming languages Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Clojure and related technologies. In brief Many presentations, big open source community, new people from different countries, great atmosphere and beautiful city. How does a woman feel on this kind of events? International conferences are both awesome and difficult for me as a woman. I’m in a new place. We speak...

Rails Girls Rules

Date: 6-7 September 2013 Place: Poznan M26 Lab Firstly, what is Rails Girls? These are workshops for girls. They learn how write code in Ruby on Rails. During this two-days event they prepare environment and create first application in Rails. They work with coach in small groups. Rails Girls with coach Secondly, what was Rails Girls for me? It was an amazing adventure. I have learned many things. I met so many people and also had lot of fun. Coding is not a boring thing. It is a pleasure, when you do this with right people, on the right time...


Let’s start blog’s adventure. Feel free to read! I think that my first post should be original and interesting, but also feminine. I hit on an idea to create recipe. Well, my cooking skills are none too good so the recipe will be short. Take a Ruby on Rails baking tin. Then add Ruby, HTML 5 and little piece of JavaScript into it. Mix all ingredients together and add CSS icing. Finally our new application is ready. Fast, easy, and with lot of fun. I would like to divide my blog entries to some categories. I will write not only...