Open Source Days

Open Source Days

Date: 2014-03-28 – 2014-03-30 Place: Bielsko-Biała, PL 28 March was the first day of DWO conference and in fact it was the first DWO conference for me. From the beginning I felt special character of this event. Organizations really cared about quality, interesting presentations and people. Friday Friday was good introduced to things which will be happening through all weekend. I listen four great presentations. And here is a brief summary of this: Open Source – Kamil Gałuszka When you use Open Source project try to help with their development. You can start with fixed documentation, reports bugs or issues....

Ruby Array Tips

Ruby have great documentation for Array method for example like this. To day I want to focus not on methods in documentation but some tips I know in Ruby with Array. Let’s start: Create Array with strings: %w{ 1 2 3 4 } => ["1", "2", "3", "4"] Create Array with the same number: [2]*5 => [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Create Array with ordered numbers: (1..4).to_a => [1, 2, 3, 4] Create Array with even numbers: (2..10).step(2).to_a => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] Show last element in Array: array = [1, 2, 3, 4] array[-1] => 4 Show part...

Rails Girls welcome back!

Rails Girls welcome back!

Date: 2014-02-22 – 2014-02-23 Place: Warsaw, PL Couple months ago was participate in Rails Girls Poznan. It was great experience for my. And now I had big challenge. I was coach in Rails Girls Warsaw. I was so nervous. I couldn’t say anything snuffly. I was afraid that girl don’t understand what I want to say then. But then I had wonderful team. Ewa, Magda and Patrycja are very smart, beautiful and motivated women. They have so many patience and support for me all the time. They tried hard again and again, asked some questions, fixed bugs and keep going...

Hack4Good Cracow

Date: 2014-02-07 19:00 – 2014-02-09 21:00 Place: Cracow, PL This was second Hack4Good for me. Previous was in Dublin and this was in Krakow, Poland. I was there with my 3 friends from work (Ula, Alek, Grzesiu) and one from Rails Girls Poznan (Przemek). We created one team and worked in Rails of course ;] On this hackaton I felt much more comfortable, then before. Great weight had presence of my friends. It was very important to me to had them close. Thanks guys and girls for that! In my opinion this Hack4Good had for me two more good sites...

Ruby Refactoring – part 1

This time I will change Ruby code. My little monster looks like this: def sum_by_column(data) sum_array = data.group_by do |column| [column[0], column[2]] { |item| item.transpose[1].inject(:+) } data.group_by do |column| [column[0], column[2]] { |first, last| [first[0], last, first[1]] } end If You know what this code does I say: Wow! I wrote this code but it’s terrible. I must do something with it. OK, lets start from the beginning. This method gets data as an array of integer arrays. Like this: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]. Then groups the data by first and last column and sums by...

CoffeeScript Refactoring – part 1

This will be the first article about refactoring. I love refactoring, so let’s start. I think that the best way to do this is to put some code on the beginning and then change it. Today I would like to show you a piece of CoffeeScript code: if checked_items == all_items $('#myId').prop('checked', true) else $('#myId').prop('checked', false) This code is simple. I check if number of selected items is same as number of all items. And then I select (or not) a checkbox on a web page. As I said it’s simple but can be improved: $('#myId').prop('checked', checked_items == all_items) The...

Web Summit

Date: October 30-31, 2013 Place: Dublin, IE Today I will tell you something about Web Summit. This was the second event I participated in Dublin at the end of October. How did I get there? Web Summit announced, they have 50 free tickets for women interested or related with technologies. So I filled and sent the form. A few days later I received an email with congratulations. I won ticket to Web Summit in Dublin. It was my first such big conference. Over 10 000 participants, 300 speakers, many workshops, 7 lecture halls and many start ups from different sectors...



Date: October 29, 2013 Place: Dublin, IE I had the pleasure to be a part of two events in Dublin this week: Hack4good and Web Summit. Today I will focus on the first. What is Hack4good? It’s one day of coding in good cause. Programmers from different countries come to one place (this time in Dublin) and create applications for community. For example: How to give homeless people food to survive? How to fulfill the dreams of dying children? How to follow people carrier path after graduation? and many, many more. How did it looked like? It was a competition....