Date: 6-7 September 2013
Place: Poznan M26 Lab
Firstly, what is Rails Girls?
These are workshops for girls. They learn how write code in Ruby on Rails. During this two-days event they prepare environment and create first application in Rails. They work with coach in small groups.

Secondly, what was Rails Girls for me?
It was an amazing adventure. I have learned many things. I met so many people and also had lot of fun.
Coding is not a boring thing.
It is a pleasure, when you do this with right people, on the right time and in the right place. What do I mean? On Rails Girls workshops you have people around, which share their knowledge with you. They will help you with your problems and support in hard moments. You have two days to learn something new. And you have place where all of you can sit together. All of these bring you a lot of motivation to develop your code. You can share your passion with others people (also with men). For me, it was awesome and I had a lot of fun.
I recommend you Rails Girls. Even if you decide after all, that programming is not for you. It is a great girls community. You can meet new friends there and be a part of something special.
At the end
Big thank to the organizers, that invited me to this event. Of course thanks for creating Rails Girls Poznań for me and others girls. This is great initiative. More that kind of events in future.
PS. Poznan is a beautiful city. I recommend this place to you. Greetings to Zorro. ;]

Need help?
If you're looking to improve your Ruby and Rails programming skills, don't hesitate to contact me.
I have years of experience mentoring with Rails Girls, CoderDojo, and one-on-one sessions. I can help keep your learning process smooth and focused.
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