Date: 2014-02-22 – 2014-02-23
Place: Warsaw, PL
Couple months ago was participate in Rails Girls Poznan. It was great experience for my. And now I had big challenge. I was coach in Rails Girls Warsaw. I was so nervous. I couldn’t say anything snuffly. I was afraid that girl don’t understand what I want to say then. But then I had wonderful team. Ewa, Magda and Patrycja are very smart, beautiful and motivated women. They have so many patience and support for me all the time. They tried hard again and again, asked some questions, fixed bugs and keep going to learn HTML, CSS and Ruby on Rails. They had so much persistence. It was pleasure to work with them. I hope that, this event will help them to realize theirs ideas. They have them so many. Thank you girls for being on Rails Girls Warsaw. I wish you all the best!
Teaching on Rails Girls
When I go to new please and meet new people I’m always nervous. Even I know that I do this many times before. The same is with teaching. I thought children math in school, students programming in Ruby and I have some speeches on stage but the feeling is always the same. Stage fright and stress. How I deal with?
- I try to do deep breathes before.
- I say something like Hi I’m Agnieszka, I’m so nervous but I hope you’re not
- I ask people to tell me something about them. What do they like? What do they do? Where are they come from? And so on.
- Sometimes I speak with my own: Agnieszka! You can do that. You have done it and it was great. You manage with this.
And I manage with teaching. Some how ;] Do I done great job? I don’t now. But I try hard do everything the best I can.

What I learn on two days workshop?
Be strong – Not physically but mentally, believed that you can do this and even more!
Keep calm – When you are stress, people around you feel the same. Your mood is connect with others. In that case everyone feel bad. You forget important thinks and the way you want to teach is not effective.
Believed yourself – When you believed in what you say others do the same.
Be not so seriously – Try teach others with fun. Fun is better than boredom.
Ask and answer – Sometimes you must ask them if they understand. Explain one more time (or more then one). And ask again. You must be sure, that all understand to this point, before you go next.
Show example – When you show something on example, it can be easy to remember. Especially when example is funny.
Take a break – After two or three hours of programming your group might be tired. Take a break. Talk with them about something else (hobby, school, traveling).
Be helpful – Check if everyone finish task and help with problems. Sometimes they afraid to tell you that they have problems.
Change point of view – Not alway something simple for you is simple for others. Try explain everything what is new for your protects, even without their questions.
Have a fun – Don’t forget that it should be fun also for you. Try be happy every moment in time of teaching and time of your life. You happiness rub off on everyone.
I hope that this tips help you with teaching. And help me when I try teaching again. See you soon ;] Bye!
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