
Programming from the beginning, how we can start?

Let’s start blog’s adventure. Feel free to read!

I think that my first post should be original and interesting, but also feminine. I hit on an idea to create recipe. Well, my cooking skills are none too good so the recipe will be short.

Take a Ruby on Rails baking tin. Then add Ruby, HTML 5 and little piece of JavaScript into it. Mix all ingredients together and add CSS icing. Finally our new application is ready. Fast, easy, and with lot of fun.

I would like to divide my blog entries to some categories. I will write not only about Ruby and Rails, but also about other programming languages. I will mention great articles, books and web pages. But I will test them first on my own. Of course I’ll leave some space to talk about testing. I will also write few words about key shortcuts. I really like it and I use them all the time. And last, but not least thing – code refactoring. It’s very useful.

I really enjoyed writing this for you. Have a great time.

See you next time. For now I go to Poznan. I’ll be learning Ruby on Rails with others girls on Rails Girls meeting. I can’t wait for it!

Bye and see you soon ;*