A few days ago, I created new branch. I did some commits there, but after a while I noticed, that I created this new branch from the wrong parent branch. I created it from some feature branch not from the master. What I should do in this situation? I need to merge my current branch before I will merge this other feature branch and I don’t want to add not needed commits to mater branch. How can I handle it? Well, here is the time for git.
TDD - Basics
When it comes to programming I always think about the quality. And when we talk about quality, we need to mention testing. Testing software is very important. This is for me so natural, so transparent that almost obvious. I realized that this isn’t obvious to everyone on one of my presentations. I asked the audience about testing and I have already known, that I need to talk about testing more. When I write a code, I also write tests, but I do that in reverse order. First, I write a test, then the code. This are for me two elements in one process - software development. You can see that in normal life too. When you are preparing a dish, you always taste it before serves it to your guests. You want to be sure, that the dish is delicious before you show it. The same should be with applications. First we test application, then we show it to the users.
4Developers Wroclaw - 2019

In 2019 I had an opportunity to be a speaker and participant on three local 4Developers events. In Krakow and in Katowice I was presenting my two speeches. I wrote about them an article Speaker at 4Developers 2019. One of my presentations you can watch on YouTube: Are you an Egoistic Programmer? - Step by step refactoring [PL]. The last event was in Wroclaw. This time I was a participant. It was a nice feeling to be there only as a participant. I could focus on conference its self without stressing out. How in few words I can describe 4Developers in Wroclaw? Presentations, discussion with people and a little bit of fun.
Occupational burnout syndrome
Today very important, health related topic. Did you ever feel exhaustion, negativity, cynicism, or lack of energy related to your job for a long period of time? Or maybe you have headaches, problems with sleeping, chest pain, a feeling of breathlessness, or anger. All symptoms can be related to occupational burnout syndrome. Read this article to get more information about burnout syndrome before it will affect your health, relations, and life.
Rails Girls Warsaw (19 - 20 October 2019)

There it is! The Rails Girls Warsaw 2019 edition! Rails Girls workshops in Warsaw are one of my favorites in Poland. They are always close to my heart. First time I was a mentor at Rails Girls Warsaw in 2014. Now I go around Poland to share my programming knowledge. This time in Warsaw.
Local editions of 4Developers 2019

In one of my last articles I have written about my new challenge. To be a speaker at a conference. This happened two times at local editions of 4Developers in Krakow and in Katowice. It was for me interesting experience, especially that this audience doesn’t know Ruby as programming language too well. I had a chance to share my knowledge about Ruby and good programming practices with them. In the near future there are going to be two more local editions of 4Developers. And because of that I have a surprise for you which is prepared together with 4Developers organizers. I have for you a discount for these two events and one free ticket which you can win. But let’s start from the beginning.
Iterators in Ruby
Ruby as other programming languages has many ways to repeat instructions. We can use loops for that. Loops like loop
, while
, until
or even for
. This is very useful, but Ruby has also something like iterators. Iterators are even more awesome than loops. In Ruby you have many iterators with some specific destiny. You can use each
, map
, collect
, select
, find
, times
or even more. But wait! When should I choose each
and when should I choose map
? This is a good question! And I’m going to answer it.
4Developers 2019

Normally I’m quite active in Rails Girls community. I’m a mentor and an organizer, and also a speaker at Rails Girls workshops. In this year is a little bit different. I spend less time supporting Rails Girls events, but I challenged myself in a different way. I started sending my proposals to the conferences. I wanted to be a speaker at more than just local community groups or Rails Girls events.