Ruby is an object oriented language. That doesn’t mean we cannot do some functional programming in Ruby. When you take a look closer to the history of the Ruby language, you can find out, that Ruby was influenced by other languages like Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Basic or Lisp. Because of this different inspirations we can find in Ruby not only object oriented concepts, but also a little bit of functional programming.
Ruby pattern matching
Some time ago I wrote an article about Pattern matching in Elixir. I really like this idea. Now from Ruby version 2.7 we have pattern matching in Ruby!!! It is not the same like in Elixir, but it is a nice feature to have. Keep in mind that this is still an experimental feature, so it can change in the future versions of Ruby. Let’s check out what we can do with pattern matching in Ruby.
How to become a programmer?
I’ve been working in the programming world since 2011. Before then, I spent about 6 years searching my own life path. When I was starting this adventure, my goal was completely different. I wanted to be a math teacher. During those 6 years, in most cases, I didn’t know what I was doing. Where should I spent my time? On what should I focus? I studied hard, but to be honest, I didn’t know where all this will end. Especially when some of my plans failed. I put more details about my journey in about me section, check it out if you want to know more about me. Right now I’m programmer and I teach people what I already know. I share my knowledge in many different ways. I do workshops for women like Rails Girls. I teach children on CoderDojo. I write Woman On Rails blog. I met lots of people who want to change their life. They want to be programmers or testers or even start something which need more programming skills. I’m helping them change their career path. And I’m proud of them, because this change is hard and need some sacrifices. During that process, I get lots of questions about How to start in programming? Today I would like to answer those questions in public.
Why I do not use instance variables in my Ruby classes anymore?
You can create a new class in many ways. From one point of view, this is awesome. You can be creative and adjust your code to your needs. On the other hand, it is hard to choose the best option. It can be even overwhelming, especially when you just started learning programming. That’s why I would like to show you some quick tips, how to improve your classes on a very basic level.
Why you should not use mailers inside Rails model?
Sending emails in web application to users is very often process. We send emails related to registration, new changes in application, advertising, last activities or friends’ invitations. This is very common. Even we create that functionality in ours apps frequently, we still have bugs there. I would like to share with you one of the bugs examples.
Wroclove.rb 2019

In my opinion, conferences are one of the most awesome ways to get to know programming community. You can meet new people or someone you already know, discovers something new or just get more knowledge about some topics. Even if you cannot be a part of the conference, I really recommend you to check out the videos after conferences. However, there will be one missing part - a community factor. I felt like that, when I was starting my programming adventure. As if I was alone. Conferences, workshops and hackathons gave me that feeling of being a part of something bigger. So, this is why I recommend you to participate in tech conferences.
Operator precedence in Ruby
The order of math operations is very important in programming language. If you don’t know them well, you can get completely different results, than you expect. And your code can be just wrong. You need to know the rules. Is the order similar like in math? Or maybe the algebraic expression is interpreted from the left to the right? Do you know how does this look like in Ruby? Let’s check it.
Global Game Jam Cieszyn 2019
Global Game Jam is an annual game hackathon. It took a place in many countries at the same time all over the world. People like designers, sound creators, programmers sit together to create games in 48h. The main purpose of this game jam is to innovate, experiment and collaborate. Each year, participants get a new theme for the game. They try to use this theme as inspiration for game story line.