We had many Rails Girls workshops around Poland. The most known are in Warsaw, Poznan, and of course in Silesia ;). A few months ago, for the first time, I was a mentor on Rails Girls Bielsko-Biała. This was also the first time when workshops in Bielsko-Biała take a place. Let me show you a short report from these workshops.
Rails Girls Bielsko-Biała was different than most of the Rails Girls workshops. First, this was a one day workshop. We started around 9 AM and we were coding till 6 PM. Of course with some breaks and time for networking. But still, this was a very productive day for everyone. Second, this was the last workshop before lockdown. A week later, everyone started to stay at home. Social distancing was and still is our daily life. And last but not least, the structure. Normally on Rails Girls workshops, we work in small independent groups. On Rails Girls Bielsko-Biała the was one path for everyone. We worked together on one Ruby on Rails application. I mean each person did the same application on her/his laptop. As a mentor, we didn’t have a specific group, but we try to help everyone.
As always, this was an amazing time for me. I cloud share my knowledge and my experience with participants not only as a mentor but also as a speaker. OK, below you can find some raw pictures from Rails Girls Bielsko-Biała workshops. I hope you like them!

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If you're looking to improve your Ruby and Rails programming skills, don't hesitate to contact me.
I have years of experience mentoring with Rails Girls, CoderDojo, and one-on-one sessions. I can help keep your learning process smooth and focused.
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