Rails Event Store

First Event in RailsEventStore

First Event in RailsEventStore

The Programmer’s Dilemma: As a dedicated developer, you care deeply about your project. You actively perform updates, refactor code, write tests, and more. At some point, however, you realize that a gem you rely on at the core of your system has become obsolete. Its last update was several years ago, and it no longer supports the latest version of Ruby. What do you do? Do you pressure the gem’s maintainer to fix the problem? Do you take over maintenance of the gem yourself? Do you switch to an alternative solution, or even create your own? In this RailsEventStore series, I will show how we transitioned from the wisper gem to the rails_event_store gem in just three months.

Smart adapters for RailsEventStore

Smart adapters for RailsEventStore

It’s a good practice to remain independent of external tools, gems, or libraries. Of course, in many cases, we do rely on external code, and that’s normal. Otherwise, we’d end up doing things like HTTP requests or user authentication ourselves, and that would distract us from the real needs of our customers. So the balance between using external tools and creating custom solutions is crucial. The real question is how can we use external tools and still have enough flexibility in our code? That’s what we’ll focus on today, using our integration with RailsEventStore as an example.