Rails Girls Poznań (02 – 03 September 2016)

Rails Girls Poznań - video story

Summer is almost gone and I’m back on Rails Girls journey. This time I went to Rails Girls Poznań. And to be honest, the weather during this workshop was so nice, like it was still summer even in September. Poznań is a very special place for me. If you don’t know yet, here was my first Rails Girls event and I was a participant back then. I wrote an article Rails Girls Rules about my first experience with Rails Girls initiative. It was in 2013. How fast the time flies, don’t you think?

This year I was already on Rails Girls Warsaw and Rails Girls Łódź workshops. And there will be one more, very special - Rails Girls in Cieszyn. I will tell you more about it later ;] Now you can check my video from this year Rails Girls workshops in Poznań. Unfortunately, all what I say and all titles are in Polish. I hope you don’t mind. Have a nice time watching it!